Episode 49 – JK Valentine Part 2

We welcome back JK. In this episode Joshua talks more deeply about his psychosis & hallucinations. We hear details of the chronic trauma he goes through, a malaise common to schizophrenics, and a reminder why we need to keep raising awareness.

#schizophrenia #hallucinations #trauma

Music: Lafayette Blues – Will Harrison

Episode 48 – Benjamin Part 2

We welcome back Benjamin for further discussion today. Ben, talks more about his mental journey from his 20s to the present day. We touch on the aspect of pre-cognition, a characteristic feature of psychotic experiences.

#precognition #energies #loss

Music: House of Cards – Wellmess feat. Divity

Episode 46 – JK Valentine

We have the pleasure of speaking with JK today. In his mid-twenties, JK has an adventurous, laid back cool demeanour. In this episode we touch on his Mental Health history, which leads one to a gentle chat about topics which are not often discussed. JK has both schizophrenia & DID diagnosis’s.

#schizophrenia #dissociative #aliens

Music: Close Talker – Ritchie Everett.

Episode 45 – Sebastian

Sebastian whilst introverted – has a joie de vivre for life. In his mid twenties from Chicago, he is training to work in Radiology. Diagnosis: Schizophrenia

#schizophrenia #Introversion #sexuality

Music : Jet Set Jivin’ – Jos

Episode 44 – George UK

Esoteric & illuminating, George is paranoid schizophrenic from Yorkshire. 58, his psychotic journey began late in life, George gives his views and insight on his beliefs and experiences.



Music: Em Baxio – Clara Mendes

#schizophrenia #selfactualisation #chrisitianity